Project Details

Welcome to BrajSundar Das’s Complete Profile and Spiritual Hub

Discover, Connect, Thrive – these are not just words, but the essence of your spiritual journey with BrajSundar Das. As a Spiritual Relationship Coach, BrajSundar is dedicated to helping you embark on a transformative path towards spiritual growth and meaningful connections.

Your Journey Starts Here…

Your gateway to the spiritual realm begins with the comprehensive profile and portfolio website of BrajSundar Das. Navigate through the various facets of his offerings:

  • Podcast: Immerse yourself in the wisdom of spiritual insights and teachings through the podcast section. Redirected seamlessly from RSS platforms via API, the podcast serves as a valuable resource for your spiritual journey.
  • Reels and Videos: Experience the teachings visually through reels and videos, connecting with the profound wisdom BrajSundar shares.
  • Books: Delve into the written wisdom with BrajSundar’s books, each a treasure trove of spiritual knowledge and guidance.


Tech Stack: ReactJs, NodeJs, MySQL

Our commitment to providing a seamless and dynamic user experience is reflected in our tech stack:

  • Frontend: ReactJs
  • Backend: NodeJs
  • Database: MySQL

Visit the BrajSundar Das Academy

Admin Panel: Edmingle Platform

For subscription-based courses, workshops, and coaching sessions, the Edmingle platform serves as the command centre. Admins can effortlessly manage and curate content for the academy:

  • Subscription-Based Courses: Design and offer courses that align with the spiritual journey, providing users with in-depth insights and practices.
  • Workshops: Engage with participants through workshops, fostering interactive learning experiences.
  • Coaching Sessions: Facilitate one-on-one coaching sessions, allowing personalised guidance for spiritual growth.


Tech Stack: NextJs

The user panel fetches data seamlessly from the EduMingle admin panel, utilizing the latest technologies in NextJs for a responsive and user-friendly frontend.

  • User Dashboard: A personalized space for users to access their courses, workshops, and coaching sessions.
  • API and SDK Integration: The integration of APIs and SDKs ensures a smooth and interactive learning experience for users.